Fluoropolymers / Alfa Chemistry

PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene)


PTFE has unique superior properties and is widely used in various fields, but its own defects such as wear resistance, hardness, and creep resistance have shortcomings. How to improve its overall mechanical properties is a challenge. Adding filler materials to PTFE can meet various requirements, so it is very important to choose which filler materials can meet the corresponding requirements. According to the performance requirements of the composite material, a single material or multiple materials can be selected for filling. The filling material plays a role of skeleton reinforcement in the PTFE mixed material and does not cause any chemical reaction with PTFE.

Common Filling Materials of PTFE Modification

  • Fillers such as MoS2, PbS, graphite, glass fiber and carbon fiber can greatly improve the wear resistance of PTFE and reduce the wear of PTFE by two orders of magnitude. Among them, glass fiber has the best anti-friction effect, while MoS2 has relatively poor anti-friction effect.
  • Adding fillers such as glass fiber and carbon fiber can increase the friction coefficient of PTFE, graphite makes the friction coefficient of PTFE smaller, and MoS2 has a relatively small effect on the friction coefficient of PTFE, only slightly increasing the friction coefficient.
  • Carbon fiber, glass fiber, and PbS increase the hardness of PTFE, while MoS2 and graphite can decrease the hardness of PTFE.
  • Various metal compounds have greatly improved the toughness, friction and wear properties of PTFE.
  • Filling modification with organic fillers, such as the addition of polyimide, can significantly improve the anti-friction performance of the composite material, and the effect becomes more obvious with the increase of the content, but its anti-wear effect is not obvious.

Suggestions for Selection of PTFE Modification

Filling modification of PTFE, especially the emergence of more and more new filling materials, the improvement of old materials and the perfection of filling methods, can overcome its own shortcomings and greatly improve the strength and wear resistance of the material.

  • Due to the nature of PTFE, the interface compatibility between the filler and the PTFE matrix should be considered when selecting the filler. It is necessary to pay attention to the difference in molecular polarity, the difference in surface tension, and the difference in internal stress caused by different expansion coefficients. The method can treat the surface of the filler or treat the surface of PTFE to increase their compatibility.
  • Consider the properties of PTFE composite materials from a variety of situations, and the choice of filling materials should be based on actual conditions, considering the environment of the material, the cost of use, the required use effect, and other materials contacted during use, so as to choose the most suitable one. Not choosing the best material.
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