Fluoropolymers / Alfa Chemistry

200x200mm PVDF Transfer Membranes Filter

Catalog Number ACMA00045094
Description Excellent sensitivity. For western blotting.
Tolerance: Resistant to most organic solvents, acids and weak bases.
Compatibility: Compatible with commonly used transfer conditions and detection methods. (such as staining, chemiluminescence, radiolabeling, etc.)
Application 0.45μm pore size: recommended for most blots, especially for proteins larger than 20kDa. 0.2μm pore size: recommended for imprinted proteins less than 20kDa.
Composition Hydrophobic PVDF
Packaging 25pcs/Pack
Pore Size 0.2/0.45μm
Size 200x200mm

If you have any other questions or need other size, please get a quote.

※ Please kindly note that our products are for research use only.