Fluoropolymers / Alfa Chemistry

MoS2 Filled PTFE


MoS2 filled with PTFE

  • MoS2 is a compound produced by chemical processing of molybdenum ore, and is a very important solid lubricant in the industry. It is non-conductive and has good chemical stability. It is not easily soluble in water, acids, alkalis, and organic solvents, but soluble in hot sulfuric acid and aqua regia.
  • MoS2 is filled into PTFE, which mainly improves the self-lubricity, wear resistance and pressure resistance of PTFE, and can also improve the thermal conductivity.
  • Generally speaking, MoS2, carbon fiber, glass fiber, bronze powder, etc. are filled into PTFE and blended. This type of composite material has excellent wear resistance and self-lubricating properties, and is suitable for mechanical parts under high-speed working conditions.
  • Although MoS2 contains active sulfur, it is not corrosive and destructive to copper parts within the temperature range of PTFE. Instead, molybdenum disulfide particles adhere to the surface of the copper parts due to contact friction to form a transfer film, which isolates the copper parts from corrosion by other media.
  • MoS2 filled PTFE is not resistant to strong acids, and is not resistant to strong oxidants at high temperatures.


  • Polymer-based composite materials can be used to improve the performance of bearings used in industries, such as sugar roller bearings, pharmaceuticals, milk processing and other food processing industries. How to avoid lubrication failure or contamination of processed food is a major problem in this industry. Combining the good friction and wear resistance of PTFE and those of MoS2 to prepare PTFE composite materials for bearing applications is an effective solution to this problem.
  • SEM structureFigure 1. SEM structure of 15% Glass Fiber and 5% MoS2 [1]

  • The chemical properties of seawater, such as poor lubricity, high vapor pressure, and strong corrosiveness, have caused many problems to limit the development of seawater hydraulic technology. Therefore, it is extremely important to study the material selection and tribological properties of seawater hydraulic components. The addition of SiO2, MoS2 and graphite in seawater can greatly improve the wear resistance of PTFE under seawater wetting. In addition, the combination of SiO2, MoS2, graphite and seawater has a synergistic effect, effectively preventing PTFE from slipping off the matrix, increasing adhesion resistance, reducing friction energy, and further reducing wear rate and damage to small PTFE composites surface. PTFE composite material has potential in the application field of seawater hydraulic components.

The preparation of PTFE compositesFigure 2. The preparation of PTFE composites [2]


  1. Prasad M Patare, Dr G. S. Lathkar, Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (2018) 7310–7319.
  2. Zhiqiang Wang, Shaofeng Wu, Jing Ni, Proc IMechE Part J: J Engineering Tribology 232 (2018) 1-12.
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