Fluoropolymers / Alfa Chemistry

PVDF Tubing

Catalog Number ACMA00038742
Description Radiation Resistance (MRad): 1000;
PVDF, polyvinylidene fluoride, delivers high performance at a competitive cost. Its inherent purity positions it as ideal for a variety of applications which involve extreme conditions. PVDF is characterized by low permeability, as well as strong abrasion and chemical resistance.
Density 1.76 - 1.88 g/cc
Crystallinity 35 - 70 %
Decomposition Temperature 375 - 400 °C
Elasticity Modulus >= 0.500 Gpa
Elongation At Break 50 - 400 %
Flexural Modulus >= 1.30 Gpa
Glass Transition Temperature -40.0 -30.0 °C
Hardness Shore D 65 - 82
Refractive Index 1.42
Tensile Strength 17.0 - 48.0 Mpa
Thermal Conductivity 0.170 - 0.190 W/m-K
Water Absorption 0.010 - 0.060 %

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※ Please kindly note that our products are for research use only.